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Five Kinds of Seeing

Five Kinds of Seeing is a collection of light in different states. Simple impressions of the all-pervasive magic of being alive, or, sketches of life as art. Perhaps the real point of art is to help us recognise that life is art, after all.


1. Shimmer Light splintered in bright, long gum leaves, shuffled by a cool breeze on a transparent afternoon.

2. Slanted Sunlight Yellow-red-orange light and dust in lazy sheafs through the hot, slow shade.


3. Scatter (Inexplicable Fugue) Insects or tiny cars flitting through a leafy night.


4. Frost and First Sun White on leaves, dissolved into steam by the first tentative, inevitable tongues of sleepy daylight.


5. Light in Long Grass Rapture in faded yellow and green, restless under invisible waves and glowing in the sheer gold of an all-consuming sunset.

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